Emancipation from Death
This is hubris, some tell us. Death is natural, and we must
not play God. [3] Yet ever since the earliest human donned an
animal skin, we have used our native resourcefulness and cre-
ativity to enhance our security, comfort, and efficacy; from the
loincloth to the toga to the modern suit, from Ben Franklins
bifocals to contact lenses to laser eye surgery.
In modern marketing, products are commonly promoted as
natural. But what is natural? And what is unnatural? By the
most precise definition, everything that occurs in our world
whether synthetic or not is natural, because humans are
a part of nature and therefore the products of our hands or
our machines are also part of nature. That is not, however,
the meaning of natural that most people intend. Rather, they
are referring to products, events, or occurrences not made or
caused by human beings. Thus, milk would be classified as
natural, while Kool-Aid would not. (Never mind that the milk
we buy in cartons at the store has been pasteurized, homoge-
nized, and vitamin fortified.) Less trivial debates surrounding
the word natural arise when considering enhancements that
might be made to human beings, especially when we talk of
defeating death. It is interesting to note that numerous other
scientific measures to improve the human condition have
initially been scorned as unnatural and intolerable by many,
only to be later accepted almost universally. Examples include
anesthesia, blood transfusions, vaccinations, birth control
pills, and organ transplants. Consider what our world might
be like without these and hundreds of other improvements
that may not fit the popular definition of natural.
Tooth decay is natural should dentistry be outlawed?
Polio is natural should we ban the Sabin vaccine? Cholera
is natural should we allow epidemics to rage unchallenged?
Death is natural must it continue to wreak its dreadful